What is "Positive Gains?"

About the Business

"Positive Gains Training" started out as a college project during a winter semester at Henry Ford College. God gave me the ambition and sources to make it my reality in March 2015 . My uncle created my logo, college gave me knowledge, my grandmother was my first client, family and friends have helped advertise by word of mouth, and I, myself, have been training since I was 14 years old. Today, I am a nationally recognized certified trainer through ISSA and have an Associate's degree in "Fitness Leadership." I'm currently still expanding my knowledge in pursuit of my Bachelor's degree in kinesiology. "Positive Gains Training" is only servicing the Downriver Michigan area through 1-on-1 training sessions or Online Coaching. I have hopes of expanding my business through my competitive pricing, but more importantly by demonstrating the passion and knowledge I have to help people reach their fitness goals and obtaining more testimonies. "Everybody has a BODY, so why not love the one you're in." -Tomas

© 2016 Peter Miller. 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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